Electrical Engineering at WSU Everett

Electrical Engineers are in Demand in the North Puget Sound

Aerospace, advanced manufacturing, computer engineering, power engineering, and communication systems – you name the industry and electrical engineers have a place in it. The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering prepares you for a rewarding career in design, research, testing, development, and manufacturing of electronic systems and equipment. WSU gives you the scientific and technical foundation you need to apply the principles of electrical engineering in whatever industry you choose.

The electrical engineering program at WSU Everett is a two-year, full-time, daytime bachelor’s degree completion program for transfer students. Courses and laboratories are taught in person by WSU faculty in Everett, via interactive video from WSU Pullman, and online through the University’s nationally ranked Global Campus.


In addition to WSU Everett, Electrical Engineering is also offered at:


The Washington State University program in Electrical Engineering (WSU Pullman with WSU Everett and WSU at Olympic College, Bremerton) is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org.

Program Details

In this section:


You can fulfill the majority of WSU’s general education (UCORE) and the pre-engineering admission requirements at any college (2 year or 4 year) and complete your electrical engineering degree at WSU Everett, in our brand new state-of-the-art WSU Everett building.

While not required for acceptance to the program, we recommend pursuing a community college transfer degree. The associate of science track 2 (AST-2) degree is well suited for pre-engineering study, as it includes the majority of WSU general education (UCORE) requirements and allows room for the engineering prerequisites.

If you have any questions about equivalent courses at your current college, or about completing your bachelor’s degree at WSU Everett, contact one of our academic advisors who will help you work out a personalized transfer plan.

Admission Requirements

To qualify for acceptance to the electrical engineering degree program at WSU Everett, you must:

  • Complete the prerequisites in the table below prior to the start of the program in the fall. (Some accommodation might be made in certain circumstances. Check with one of our academic advisors.)
  • Have a grade of C (2.0 on a 4-point grade system) or better for all courses in the table below.
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 for all college coursework taken.


Make sure you check your courses for transfer equivalency on the WSU Transfer Clearinghouse.

WSU Course RequirementWA Community College Transfer Equivalency
Math 171 Calculus ICalculus I and Calculus II
Math 172 Calculus IICalculus III
Math 273 Calculus IIICalculus IV
Math 220 Linear AlgebraLinear Algebra
Math 315 Differential EquationsDifferential Equations
Chem 105 with lab Principles of Chemistry*Chemistry with lab Principles of Chemistry*
Physics 201 and 211Engineering Physics I and II with labs
Physics 202 and 212Engineering Physics III with lab
EE 261 Electric Circuits I**WSU equivalent course EE261**
EE 262 Electric Circuits (Lab)**WSU equivalent lab EE262**
CPTS 121 (C/C++) or CPTS 131 (Java)***Equivalent courses to WSU (program design and development and data structures courses)
English 101English Composition


*Chem 141 or Chem 161 will satisfy the chemistry requirement.

**Everett Community College and Olympic College often offer Electric Circuits and Circuits Lab in summer session. Not all Electric Circuits and Circuits Lab courses transfer to WSU as equivalent to EE 261 and EE 262. Check your circuits coursework for equivalency.

***Computer programming courses vary between community colleges. Consult with one of our academic advisors about your specific coursework.

Applying to the Program

Transfer Students:

  1. Complete your application online, selecting North Puget Sound at Everett as your campus.
  2. Submit official transcripts showing coursework to-date. Updated official transcripts will be required once grades are posted for spring and summer (if you enroll in courses). Contact all previous colleges and have them send official transcripts to:
    Washington State University Everett
    Enrollment Services
    915 N. Broadway
    Everett, WA 98201
  3. An academic coordinator will review your application and transcript(s) for prerequisites to acceptance into the electrical engineering program and contact you for next steps.

Current WSU Pullman electrical engineering students who wish to transfer to Everett:

Students who are currently certified in the electrical engineering major in Pullman should contact the academic advisor in Everett to determine feasibility and eligibility. GPA is a consideration as is completion of the same prerequisites as all other transfer applicants. Evaluation of coursework still needed to complete the degree vs. the schedule of courses offered is another consideration.

Students who are not yet certified should check that all prerequisites are completed (or will be completed prior to the desired start term). Contact the academic advisor in Everett with any questions.

General Timeline

The application process will continue until all seats for the program are filled.

August 1

The WSU Transfer Student Application and the WSU Everett Electrical Engineering Supplemental Application are open for students applying to enter the WSU Everett program in Spring or Fall.

January 31

Priority will be given to Fall applicants who have submitted all required application material (including official transcripts).

May 15

Notification of Admission Decisions (for complete Fall applications received by January 31).

June 1

Students respond to offers of Fall admission.

Contact an Advisor

Prospective students, WSU Everett on-site advisor: