Student Clubs
Student groups and organizations provide community and a forum to share ideas. Participation in student clubs reinforces academic concepts and gives students a chance to be more immersed in the information. Club membership demonstrates active participation in a chosen field, and can help create friendships and provide future networking opportunities.
Join a Club
Join a student club and gain real-world experience while participating in a variety of activities, including competitions, field trips, and social events.
The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science participates in the following:
Amateur Radio Club (Rho Epsilon or Ham Radio)
The Amateur Radio Club provides Washington State University students with the opportunity to learn and experiment with amateur radio as well as to meet other students interested in amateur radio and share ideas.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
The ACM WSU Chapter is a student club focused on bringing together passionate computer science students. They host tech talks, the annual CrimsonCode Hackathon, and more.
Association for Computing Machinery – Women in Computing (ACM-W)
The ACM-W WSU Chapter focuses on bringing together women in computer science and engineering so as to help bridge the gender gap and give women the resources they need to succeed in computer science and engineering.
Computer Security Group (CSG)
The Computer Security Group teaches cyber security techniques, practices, and ethics. The techniques and practices are real-world methods to help prepare members for the reality of cyber security.
Cougs in Space Club – CougSat
Cougs in Space offers students the hands-on experience they need for internships and careers in the space and aerospace industries. Their primary project is building a cube satellite as part of NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative.
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
The IEEE is committed to the tradition of a strong engineering culture as well as serving as a social and career-building enterprise for those students that wish to make use of our resources. They host tech talks, a yearly Hardware Hackathon, and more.
Linux Users Group (LUG)
The Washington State Linux Users Group (LUG) promotes the visibility and use of Linux and other Free and Open Source software. They host tech talks, two yearly LAN parties (WinterWonderLAN, WSUCon), Linux tutoring, and more.
RoboSub of the Palouse
A group of highly motivated students passionate about robotics. Each year they design and build an autonomous submarine for the AUVSI RoboSub competition. All majors welcome!
Robotics Club
The Robotics Club increases enthusiasm towards, and knowledge of, robotics by providing students with a hands-on and multi-disciplinary collaborative experience in designing, building, and programming robots.
Voiland College Clubs
Voiland college has 40+ student clubs and professional societies you can join.
Support Student Clubs
Your gift will give students extra opportunities to grow and learn.