Safety and Security for Students at WSU Bremerton

Washington State University (WSU) supports student safety through campus security, reporting options, and supportive resources for students. Students at WSU Bremerton have a number of safety and security options through both WSU and its partner, Olympic College.

On this page:

Tips for Campus Safety

  1. Most crime is committed as a result of opportunity, so the best prevention is to eliminate opportunities.
  2. Lock up wallets, purses, laptops, jewelry, cellphones, and other valuables.
  3. Report suspicious persons or activities when you see them.
  4. Report safety hazards, unsafe lighting, and defective equipment.
  5. Avoid walking alone at night. Let people know where you are going.
  6. Plan your walk by choosing a safe, well lighted, and populated route.
  7. Be aware of your surroundings. Know where you are and where you are going. Know what to expect.
  8. Get to know your classmates and neighbors. Encourage checking on each other often.

Prevention Education

WSU Bremerton students can access violence prevention and substance abuse prevention education through the WSU Health Promotions office.

Campus Connect

A 2-hour training that teaches participants statistics and facts about college student suicide, how to respond in a suicidal crisis, appropriate referrals, and active listening, communication, and relationship-building skills. To attend, register online.

Count on Cougs

Count on Cougs is a violence prevention program focused on empowering bystanders to actively reduce gender-based violence, including intimate partner violence, stalking, and sexual assault. Count on Cougs is made available to students throughout the WSU system at webinars throughout the year. For information on upcoming programs, contact


These online assessments provide personalized prevention information relating to substance abuse and helps students understand their relationship with substances.

Mental Health First Aid

An 8 hour training (2 hours pre-work and 6 hours Zoom training) that teaches participants to identify mental health disorder symptoms, how to respond in a crisis, and active listening skills to support many disorders. To attend, register online.

Mental Wellness Checkup

Mental health is a key part of your overall health and well-being. Use a brief, online, FREE, confidential screening. Immediately following the questionnaire, you will receive your results, recommendations, and information on support resources. Get an online mental wellness checkup today!

Reporting Misconduct

Students have a number of options to report misconduct, including violations of the Standards of Conduct for Students, sexual assault, stalking, domestic violence, dating violence, and other crimes.

For all emergencies, dial 911.

Reporting Violations of the Student Code of Conduct

Students are expected to contribute to a safe, healthy and inclusive campus and abide by community standards. The WSU Center for Community Standards is your resource for information about the student conduct code, process, and reporting. The WSU Student Code of Conduct includes provisions relating to drug and alcohol policy, academic integrity, harm to others, and more. For more information, visit the Center for Community Standards website.

Reporting to Police/Campus Security

Campus Security

Olympic College Campus Security is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and can be reached at:

Sexual Assault, Stalking, Domestic Violence, and Dating Violence

Students who have experienced sexual assault, stalking, domestic violence, and dating violence have a number of options, including reporting to WSU, reporting to police, seeking confidential support or medical/counseling services, requesting supportive measures from WSU, and obtaining safety measures. WSU’s Compliance and Civil Rights is your central resource to learn about support options and resources; students do not need to share any information to learn about these resources. More information is available:

Reporting to Campus Security Authority

Campus Security Authorities report information they receive about crimes (attempted or completed) to WSU Police Department for yearly review and assessment. This allows WSU to assess crime statistics and better understand the safety needs of a specific location.

Campus Alerts

WSU Bremerton students will receive alerts and warnings via their Olympic College email address when the Olympic College Emergency Operations Team determines there is a threat to the campus community. Information and registration about the alert process is available on the Olympic College Campus Security website.


Olympic College Campus Security

Olympic College Campus Security responds to security concerns, including crime reports, safety hazards, accidents, injuries, parking enforcement, vehicle unlock/jumpstart, lost and found, lock cutting, and requests for campus security escorts. They can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by using one of the Emergency Call Boxes located on campus, or by contacting:

WSU Office of Emergency Management

The WSU Office of Emergency Management includes WSU safety plans, tips for disaster preparedness, system-wide evacuation plans, and more.

WSU Bremerton Contact Information

WSU Compliance and Civil Rights

WSU Compliance and Civil Rights is a central resource for students and employees who have concerns relating to discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence, including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. They can be reached at:

WSU Center for Community Standards

WSU’s Center for Community Standards help students understand WSU’s community standards and the process for when those standards are violated. They can be reached at: