Henry Huang

  1. Adjunct Faculty
  2. Laboratory Fellow, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Email Addresszhenyu.huang@pnnl.gov
LocationEME 102


Dr. Zhenyu (Henry) Huang is a Laboratory Fellow at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA. He has been with PNNL since 2003. He holds a joint appointment of Research Professor at Washington State University (WSU) since 2019. Dr. Huang is also a Technical Advisor for the Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) since 2019. He is assisting the SETO’s Systems Integration Team with a focus on modeling, simulation, optimization and control of solar generation for increasing its penetration in the power grid.

Prior to joining SETO, he led the Advanced Grid Analytics portfolio at PNNL and managed the Optimization and Control Group, focusing on developing and adapting latest math, computing, and data analytical techniques to understand and manage the emerging complexity in the power grid and other associated infrastructures. Dr. Huang’s research interests include high performance computing, data analytics, and optimization and control for power and energy systems. He led research and development efforts that produced important software packages for power grid modeling and simulation including GridPACKTM and HELICSTM. Dr. Huang conducted extensive research on power system stability and harmonics at McGill University (Canada), the University of Alberta (Canada), and the University of Hong Kong before he joined PNNL.

Dr. Huang has over 180 peer-reviewed publications. He is a Fellow of IEEE and is active in several IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) technical committees, including officer roles at the committee, subcommittee, and working group levels. He led the Richland Chapter to win the 2007 IEEE PES Outstanding Small Chapter Award. He is recipient of the 2008 PNNL Ronald L. Brodzinski’s Award for Early Career Exceptional Achievement and the 2009 IEEE Power and Energy Society Outstanding Young Engineer Award. Dr. Huang is a registered Professional Engineer in Washington State.

Dr. Huang received his B. Eng. from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, and Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.